Located in the old parachute packing room of the #7 E.F.T.S. hangar, the Wes Bridgen Archives is a treasure trove of wartime memorabilia, including uniforms, medals, and documents from both world wars. Donated by members of the local community, our museum reveals the human side of the Canadian and British fronts in both world wars.

From soldiers separating from their loved ones, to operations and flight missions that escaped bleak odds, to iconic military equipment, come and hear the stories these artifacts were a part of. If you are a history buff, then this is the place for you. Every item here has a story to tell.

The knowledgeable volunteers in the Archives have a wealth of information to share, whether it is about the history of our hangar, stories from local veterans, or general wartime history.

At the back of our museum, we have a collection of archives. Open to both researchers and the public, we have catalogues of military records, memoirs and retellings of the wars,and in depth scriptures of our aircraft.

Overview of the Wes Bridgen Archive Room
Lyle James and the Second Battle of River Canard

Archive Files

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Daily Diary “The following entries from the Daily Diary of Number 7 EFTS reflect its organization and operation

Wes Bridgen

Lyle James, the stunning “Great Escape” by 76 Allied airman from a German penal facility The link shows pictures and stories of Lyle

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